Life Beyond the "Religion" Restriction
Knowlege and wisdom are important! Always look to become wise by gaining knowlege of good things. Wisdom can come by using knowlege correctly over time with divine assistance. Have you ever considered religion merits in a life of gaining knowlege? Is religion compatible with true wisdom? If we seek truth should we abandon religion? Can religious people be logical? Have you ever considered that Jesus, the wisest of all humans who ever lived was usually at variance with religion of His day?
Are you aware that Paul the Apostle of Jesus stated that some people were too religious (cf Acts 17:22)? Do you feel awkward when someone asks you, "What are you religiously..." or something to that effect? Are you aware that Jesus, though doing "religious" things (as in Luke 2:39-52) never claimed to bring a better religion to the world? Did Jesus really try to compete with religion? Consider the present "taboo" of discussing "religion and politics". Do you break this rule: "never discuss religion or politics"? Think for a moment: politics has to do with influencing people. Religion has to do with effort to please deity. Did it ever occur to you that you can rise above this rule and simply see both subjects from a "God's eye view"? Just as Jesus overcame the world He stayed on top of the humanly restrictive "prison" of "taboo". He "broke the rules" of this human restriction "taboo".
Now! Take a fresh look at this. Jesus never claimed to bring a better religion even when discussing matters with "religious" people. Why not? Jesus simply said, "I give you life"..."I am the way, the truth and the life"...(John 10:10; 14:6) He could have said, "I bring you a better religion..." Humanly, it seems awkward to answer the question, "what are you religiously?". I step aside and indicate that I do not consider myself religious. I think of myself as not searching for how to please my Creator as the common religious approach. Rather I indicate that I experience "life in the Son". Religious people may well be groping and searching for God and what pleases Him. Some believe they do good when indeed they are misguided. While they are searching, I consider myself as having "found it"! I have what they seem to be looking! Religion is an approach to God. Life is a relationship. I have no qualms about discussing "politics" or "religion". In both arenas I experience life. If someone kills me my life continues in eternity regardless (Matthew 10:28). While I live Jesus is within me. When I die this earthly life is over but life continues without end. "Get a life"...the life and live forever. "Get religion" and you may never experience real life. Choose life over religion and you are on your way..."the way" is that of life!
I choose to reach beyond restrictions and drawbacks of the religion "pigeon hole" and embrace life to the fullest. Perhaps I can truly declare that I'm not confined to the limitations of religion. What do you think? What does one lose by experiencing "life in the Son" while leaving the anchor of religion behind? Do you think you might relate to many who say they are "turned off" by religion? Perhaps Jesus was too.
(Note: like life, I'm always "editing" and your suggestions are welcome! See edits, improvements and upgrades to this and other articles in time. Join the joy of discussion.)
Service: Your Key to Life
Question: What first comes to mind when you see or hear the word "service"? Suggestion: Let's think about service for a moment. Service connects us with our purpose and reason for living. Albert Einstein was once asked, "What is man's purpose?" His reply, "To serve other men only". Think about it. Earl Nightingale brought this to my attention decades ago. I wondered if Einstein intended to leave God out with his statement. Earl went on to say Einstein was a deeply religious man... Ultimately, I realized Einstein was saying unintentionally what Jesus said about the final judgment (Matthew 25:31ff). Understanding and respecting this truth can revolutionize your life. Every thing Jesus said about judgment had do do with serving others! And serving others is our way of serving God. The key to eternal life is to a follower of Jesus who boldy claimed to be "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6). He came to serve (Mark 10:45).
Shortly after Brenda's death (see picture below) it became my lot to learn what I had led her to do...learn to use the computer. Once I began to learn the new experience numerous documents were recovered. Dealing with her loss was a challenge. So I boldly began the new learning experience. I recalled the late psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck stating that death had always fascinated him. Upon discovering an interview of the late William F. Buckley Jr. with Charlie Rose further enlightment followed. Buckley was asked if he'd like to go back to the years of his youthful success. He replied, "no, if you were to give me a pill that would take me there, I wouldn't take it". Startled Charlie replied, "why not". Buckley replied, "I'm tired of life".
If that was not enough consider this. Dr. Arnold Hutchsnecker who'd been with many dying patients (in his book, Man's Will to Live) declared that man dies when he wants to die. He meant that when people can no
longer serve they have no reason to remain on the planet. They are ready to say "good bye" although we do not want to "let them go". Our "long-lived" loved one may be more ready to leave than we think. Indeed God helps them make the transition
when their earthly time is up. It's even observed that in ancient times Christians congratulated the loved ones left behind at funerals. Not for us maybe but we derive comfort with a new perspective. Realize that all we earn is connected to our service to
Share this story with your friends and with a new perspective serve others with joy while blessed with your "holiday on earth" (Earl Nightingale). Comfort one another with these words of hope. Yes, we shall live again (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Our grief has it's place and so does joy for those who are ready to face what we must all experience.
More to come...
My Twitter experience took off in January of 2016 to get Trump elected. Back in 1959 my favorite spiritual mentor W Carl Ketcherside, a great reformer, restoration and unity advocate (see best websites below) wrote an essay entitled, "Sunset in the West" describing how America was meeting all the criteria for destruction as was Rome before it fell. For the last 8 years I've been battling the awful fate for which America was headed. I thought it would take a miraculous act of God to save us from the downward spiral. Then, Donald Trump decided to step down from an opulent lifestyle to save the Country. What a sacrifice! I recalled that Jesus stepped down from heaven to save the world. Shortly after my "Sunrise in the East" post the above picture appeared on Twitter. The rest is history. Please pray that Trump will continue to win for our Country and by all means be thankful and on praying terms with God.
Have an Issue?
Dale Carnegie was an outstanding communicator in dealing with people. If you want to master the art of "getting along with people" his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a must-read. Along with the Bible this book has enhanced many business relationships, marriages and other "getting along" issues. Initially, I was concerned about spiritual relationships in the early 1970's. Since followers of Jesus are "the salt of the earth" it occurred to me that many who claim to be Christians didn't seem to know or care about how to really get along with or treat others. I decided to take the Dale Carnegie Course in my own educational process. One speech each person was assigned involved "coming out of your shell". We were to take a roll of newspaper and beat the daylights out of an object to vent our frustrations. You can imagine the fun! One issue that really "ticked us off" was the subject of the speech. What issue are you really concerned about? Share it with me and let's get answers and share ideas in our adventure of service to make the world a better place. What is the issue that concerns you most?
World's Greatest Hobby?
Women like to be girls again just as men like to be boys again when they can get away with it. My late mother liked collecting dolls and making pretty clothes for them. Men like miniature trains, cars, guns, hunting, games and just about every childhood fantasy as a form of relaxation. It use to bug me that all job applications provided space for "your favorite hobby". I finally caved and even shared hobby ideas with others for conversation. Close analysis suggested the best hobby. Years later I noticed the title above, the "world's greatest hobby" is used for promoting the hobby by a major publication. Long before I discovered the title I had settled the issue in my own mind and actually used similar words and phrases tauting the title. What is it? Here are some hints: It represents a microcosm of the world. It is non-seasonal. It can be enjoyed inside or outside the home. You can find thousands of enthusiasts both male and female of all ages. It lends itself to learning all sciences in the real world. It can help you master any skill. It lends itself to the entire family without discrimination. It serves as an outlet for every major interest. It was Walt Disney's favorite! Ready to guess? You may not have taken up the hobby but you could logically agree that it would be hard to deny it is the "world's greatest hobby" once you do a logical analysis. Give up? It is "model railroading". Make it a game with the family sometimes and see who can come up with the educational aspects in all of life's sciences. Give the kids a prize for their input and list the ideas. This hobby can launch a career and be a catalyst for doing your life's work even better!
Give me feedback on this if you are so disposed ( Interestingly, you do not have to be interested in trains to enjoy! Want more? Maybe later! In the meantime consider that every interest can be tied to this hobby...reading, writing, arithmetic...landscaping, construction, communication, spirituality...discipline, goal setting...I cannot think of one good thing that cannot be linked to this hobby! The world in miniature and at your disposal while building strong family and public relationships.
My close friend and business partner from Graceland. I say, "She made Graceland." She worked there for 23 years and the people love her. She brightens the room when she walks in! No doubt she's the world's expert on Elvis Presley. Thank you Patsy for being such a delight for all of us! See her website listed in the "Coming Soon!" section below.
Imagine the life you really want to live. Are there changes you would make in order to get closer to your ideal life? Do you want to achieve better health, more wealth or be remembered as one who really made a difference? Congratulations for thinking with me about our future! Is there a single powerful word that could eventually make your dream life come true. Fortunately there is! By all means check out the and learn what we can all do to live more fulfilling lives. You'll love what you discover. The word which makes all the difference is "think". George Bernard Shaw once said, "I've become rich and famous by thinking once or twice a week. Most people never think in their lifetime". He's referring to creative thinking, contemplation, solitude, planning and really getting in touch with one's self--creative thinking. Happy living! One word is key: "Think"! Challenging but not easy. Form the habit and it becomes easier. The brain gives us power over all other creatures in nature. Liberating to know each of us can use this power. Think about it. You're special!
Coming Soon! (No claim of perfection! You decide the value.)
List of some of the most life-enhancing websites. Find out where to go for simple basic and exciting information that will give you the edge on business, personal and spiritual issues. Each of these websites addresses at least one of the six major areas of life. Financial: Expert attorney who was popular for penetrating LLC's and came to LLC owners'rescue Financial: Best available source for accessible and Congressionally approved information on building wealth in compliance with IRS regulations Mental, Personal growth: absolutely my late favorite educational mentor dubbed, "The Dean of Personal Development" and author of the "Strangest Secret" recording for success Spiritual: the works of W Carl Ketcherside: God's eternal purpose to bring all people into one body of united believers to win the world for Jesus code: JC35 (Financial: Better, safer way to secure your money than you may have ever thought possible.) (Spiritual: Entire Bible translated to about the 4th grade level. Not a paraphrase! 37 years in translating. Remember, President Trump was criticized for speaking on the 4th grade level and he got elected! Not bad!) Social, Spiritual: (Enjoy this beautiful lady's website. Have fun! I think she made Graceland after the "King of Rock & Roll" was gone. Especially, Elvis' spiritual songs!) Spiritual: (Informative, recently discovered. Give me feedback on this, please) Emotional, Mental, Physical: (Great education on cancer and how emotions and mental issues impact cancer and other diseases) Spiritual lessons even children can understand about how to communicate divine truths in a most enjoyable way. Bob West's utilizations of art as a dedicated ministry. Spiritual insights, controversial but thought provoking. Life in general, all areas and how to reach your goals and build a better world through personal power Fun expression of all six major areas of life. Large scale of "The World's Greatest Hobby" Health and wellness food source find. Wow! "save more, spend less and don't get ripped off" website Spiritual: great source
of information for those concerned about spiritual unity Great website to find those who lost their lives in Vietnam Spiritual and recently discovered website to enhance spiritual matters for those daring enough to re-consider moving beyond traditional restrictions
Late bride inspiring the Center for Whole Life and Wellness
Here is my late bride (pictured below) who had served as my inspiration for the Center for Whole Life and Wellness (CWLW).
Who, What, Why, How, When, Where
- Jan. 26, 2017
Six Questions to Cover Any Subject
Just a bit of value for today and forever. Whether you're an academic school student or want to communicate better with others at work or leisure, remember the 5 W's and 1 H. You can cover any subject when at a standstill and want to get back on track. Try them in essays and descriptions. Have fun! Be of noteworthy value. After all, communication is the name of the game of life when you want to make the most of your input. You might be the smartest person in the room. Hint: In my earliest college days, an unusual "crackpot" professor did more for me in the hall one day than all his classroom teaching. The principle: the best deals may be on the golf course or in leisure time. He gave me the secret to covering any essay question if I'd use the 6 step process. Never forget that and use it often. Good fortune!
This is my late bride, Brenda who died of pancreatic cancer in November of 2008. Upon my learning of her fascination with Ronnie McDowell I contacted him on his website. Donnie Dortch, formerly McDowell, Jerry Lee Lewis and others' manager responded. About a year and a half later Donnie and I met and made a life-long friendship. Shortly thereafter he introduced me to Patsy Andersen (See photo above and her website). So you can say Brenda in a sense introduced me to Patsy and inspired my Center for Whole Life and Wellness (note the CWLW post below also). Life is full of surprises. Let's make the most of it!
CWLW Jared's Story
CWLW (Center for Whole Life and Wellness) has a dual purpose: First, though not yet reality is a sub-terrainean (underground or earth-sheltered) structure serving as the home for the President and attendant/s
in which a huge library, living area and periodic gatherings for life enhancing education can be conducted. It would serve as a modest model to educate the public: would be builders, lending institutions, realty companies etc. to be made aware of this secure
and economical type of housing. Second, a reality is the curriculum for educating and serving the public in the six major areas of life which we do from day to day.
The beautiful picture on the right is of Jared and his speech therapist. He was involved in an auto accident early in 2012 and by medical standards not given much hope at all for survival. But look at him as of February 2017! The immeasurable love of his caregivers and the hand of God baffles the medical community. His grandmother (treasurer for CWLW) called me late that year asking if she could use the name above for the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to raise needed funds for Jared's rehabilitation. To say the least his story is phenomenal and testifies of the faith and it's effect on "impossible" and "no hope" declarations. Remember that "with God all things are possible". Be ready to be a good loser if you arm wrestle him today! A long way to go but an inspiration to those who have child-like hope beyond the adult world of logic. We're daily reminded of the power of faith, prayer and Love.
The Center for Whole Life and Wellness was conceived, designed and given birth early in 2009 to enhance life in its six major areas: emotional, financial, mental, physical, social and spiritual. This site is new and will be updated frequently in an effort to be of as much valuable service to the public as possible. I'm always open for improvement and valuable comments. Please feel free to offer suggestions. Expect interesting pictures and story behind this valuable endeavor. You'll be amazed at what's behind this 501c3 non-profit phenomenon, how it came about and how it can enhance your life! Stay tuned...In the mean time...
Feel free to go to my Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram for more information. Search for Ron Portzer. In the meantime you may enjoy art by my son, Judson Portzer, stained glass artist, by simply typing his name into your browser and viewing some of his work...We're on a mission to enhance life with truth, beauty and great ideas. Your honest work can be a real mission in life. Please treat it as such. And remember, "to the pure, all things are pure".
Reverend Dr.Brian Richards
My God Brother why can't I write an article to you instead of just a few words? Know the truth and truth will make people free- this Truth needs to be preached through out the world.
Reverend Dr.Brian Richards
Matthew 28 :18 what Jesus said was the only baptism known at the time old testament unto repentance: Acts 2:38 & Acts 19: 1-5 is the model we should follow? we have been deceived with Religion indeed.
Reverend Dr.Brian Richards
As a Christian one of the things that concern's me the most is how the world has been deceived through the main line Religions. I have been a Catholic boy growing up I learned how to read Latin
C. P. Owen
It would be beneficial to others to share in the passion (pain and courage) shared by Brenda and Ron Portzer during last months of her passing. Write as only you can being the great writer you are.