Jan. 5, 2020

Memorable Day!

It was about 4:30 AM on this day on January 5, 2019, that I received a phone call from my daughter, Tara. She requested my driving her to the emergency room because of a kidney stone problem. Little did I know that this would be the last day I'd see her alive. The accompanying photo was taken a few days before as she stood by the Christmas tree she'd decorated.

Memories flood my mind and also reminds me of how each day and association with a loved one holds no promise of another opportunity to communicate. I'm reminded of how important it is to leave an associate on a good note. Isn't it worthy of a reminder to separate from having no regrets if we should never have another opportunity? I knew she was in pain and hugged her with the parting words, "I love you." 

Dying people, we are told, retain one last sense longer than others — that of hearing. I had no expectation, or I would have stayed with her that day. I'd have reassured her of my love for her.

The highest honor to her would undoubtedly be to serve others even as she took great pleasure in making others feel good about themselves through her beloved passion as a cosmetologist. So, there's a lesson for all of us! 


Jan. 1, 2020

Betsy Ross

Elizabeth Grissom was born on this day, January 1, 1752. She's better known a Betsy Ross. We hear quite a bit about her today, especially by political conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh because of the controversy about our National Flag. She allegedly was approached by George Washington to design and construct the first American flag. 

Isn't it interesting how one can happen to be at "the right place at the right time?" Just imagine Betsy working as usual and having the President of the United States walk in with a request for her services!

Dec. 16, 2019

Editorial Update 2019

Thank you for visiting www.simplelifetruths.com. I hope you are not disappointed if you are looking for a new post every time you visit. It is not my policy to draw attention to myself, as is so often the case on Social Media. When personal information is shared, the intent goes far beyond the individual to something that will benefit the readers. For example, after losing my daughter on January 5, 2019, several posts were subsequently made with something in each to draw attention to something you can use to make life better for you.

Updates and editing sometimes appear on other page options listed across the top. Each time you come to the site, you might click on the "older" button at the bottom right of this page and find matters of interest to you. 

I hope all of you have a happy holiday season and will continue to visit this site. Let's be thankful for all our blessings and get ready to begin the new year as another opportunity to make the best of life. Learn, love, laugh, and prosper. Remember, you can suggest a topic for my response in the comment section. In the meantime, I plan to share more ideas you can use occasionally. 

Nov. 28, 2019


Laying aside the myths concerning Thanksgiving, like many events in history, there are some positive things about which we acknowledge. Perhaps, you are one of them. Of course, there's the food, family reunions, and for many, another day off from the work routine. There are three particular matters brought to mind beyond these things worthy of consideration.

1) Recognition of God. Although many do not want to acknowledge God's existence, many do. Some are offended and intend to remove national celebrations because they wish to deny deity. Thanksgiving is a reminder of the faith of those historically connected to the festival. For the most part, the founders of our nation had no problem with the idea of "one nation under God."

2) Time of unifying differences. Some have suggested that Native Americans, along with some of the pilgrims, celebrated harvest together. It is interesting how celebrations can bring people together who have common interests in spite of their differences. 

3) Freedom from religious oppression. Some of the people coming to America did so to escape persecution by the institutional religious establishment. People of integrity and faith desired a clear conscience without the interference of overreaching spiritual ambitions. 

We have much for which to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov. 7, 2019

Yes, You Can

Dr. M. Scott Peck, late psychiatrist and author of numerous excellent books mentioned a secret we can all apply to make significant improvements in all areas of our lives. One day a patient left his office, got into her car to go, and couldn't move the gear shift lever. She returned to Dr. Peck's office. Well, he felt helpless with such a mechanical problem he envisioned. 

As Peck pointed out in his book, Further Along the Road Less Traveled rather than settling with the old excuse, "I can't," he decided that there was a chance to test his advice. He went to the car and spent moment after moment trying to figure out how to unjam the gear shift lever. Finally, he did it! His advice was, rather than saying, "I can't," take time to do the thing you think you can't." Eventually, you can do just about anything you intend to accomplish.

Decades ago, I recalled never saying, "I can't remember names." Was it ego or just plain refusing to admit what I was not proficient at doing? I decided to take up an offer to attend a series of classes (Dale Carnegie Course) in which the promotion used the "how to remember names" as a calling card. After a few sessions, each person was instructed to change their names to demonstrate how to remember names. I made a perfect score on the test! I realized that I could recall names by using the right strategy.

By not self-talking ourselves with "I can't," take the time to learn.  It will work in all areas of our lives, whether personal or business. The trick is to take the time to learn. In most cases, you can. (Bonus: When parking your car with steering tires pressed against an obstacle back off a bit, use the emergency brake and put your shifter in the park position to prevent a gear jam.)