May. 14, 2017

New Page Just Added

Please note that a new blog page has been added for your convenience: "News Notes".

May. 11, 2017

Coping With Change

Change is said to be the only constant in nature. Change is a phenomenon we must learn to live with. You can't control this reality but you can allow it to run over you or you can embrace it. It's like you can't control the wind but you can set your sails or rudder to allow it to work for you. More later...

May. 1, 2017

Jared's Short Story Blesses Your Life

Go to the "Coming Soon" page under CWLW and be inspired by God, faith, prayer, and healing. How heartbreak can turn to hope, healing and faith.

Apr. 21, 2017

Questions? Your Invitation

All of us have questions. The right question is often the key to the answer we are seeking. Often a person asks, "Could I ask a question?" My response is to the effect, "No question sincerely asked is insignificant...feel free to ask any question you really deem of importance". Go to the comments section below to ask your question (or share a comment).

I realize some issues mentioned in this website are sure to raise eyebrows. Controversial persons and issues are usually interesting. I do sincerely desire to get to the truth behind important issues. So feel free to join the team. Autonomous wishes are respected. Let's think and act so as to enhance life...and make it interesting! And yes, sometimes I do not know the best answer and will let you know. Chances are we can find the answers to our satisfaction. Thank you.

Here it Comes!

Just making an effort to have a page for each of the six major areas of life listed on the "Coming Soon" page in the article entitled CWLW. However, not being too savvy at the computer technology, it's taking a bit of time to create the pages and master the techniques. Please be patient with me...I lovingly solicit your genius as a friend to master the excellence process in order to be glad to "sign my name". I'd like to say, "you helped". In time my goal is to have some excellent educational material on each page. Just click on your choice in the blue stripe near the top of the "Home Page". Feel free to ask questions, make suggestions and/or engage in this growth process. If you have concerns and would like for me to help find answers just say so. Remember, I'm here to serve you with passion. How may I be of service? I suppose any question will fall into one of the six major areas of life! Thanks in advance.

Life Without Religion

There's a hot one! Two taboos: "Never talk about religion or politics". Really? Let's consider this! Watch the "Coming Soon!" page and join the discussion to begin shortly...

Go to "Coming Soon" Page for Service Inspiration

Beginning a real life enhancing effort to communicate about serving for living. Feel free to share your ideas. Other exciting ideas coming soon!

Another Website Just Added

Mar. 26, 2017

The Examiner

Tired of being judged based on institutional church affiliation. Many are learning differences in what they see in churches and what Jesus did in His short ministry. Caution: not for the faint of heart. You might learn how to live life without being "too religious". Life is a relationship. Life is the, "I found it" experience. Religion is an, "I'm looking for it" endeavor. Feel free to give feedback. Click on the "Coming Soon" link above and then the website just added.

Global Warming Surprise

Have you wondered how the "millenials" must feel being taught about "global warming"? If anything has captured the problem with "academic education" it is wrapped up in this issue. How many of the "millenials" who are scared to death about the future have ever read the real scientific facts? 

Catch this: 1) Man discovered "paths in the seas" long after they were mentioned in Scripture before his own discovery! Psalms 8:8. Paths in the seas are still utilized today...just like jet streams. 2) Doctors only a few centuries ago would bleed certain patients who had "bad blood" while centuries before Moses stated "the life is in the blood" Leviticus 17:11. 3) God put the rainbow in the cloud as a reminder that the earth would never be destroyed by water again Genesis 9:8-11. 4) Now, as if God knew a big deal would be made of the effects of "global warming", read Genesis 8:22

With all the money being tied to and fear being perpetuated surrounding "global warming" you can soar with the eagles in knowledge and assurance that the effects of "global warming" are one of the greatest hoaxes of all-time! Be responsible and fear not!

Courage and Change

Survival is a hot topic. Throughout history one ingredient making survival possible is courage to face each day with a determination to make life livable and end the day with the satisfaction of accomplishment. Two words are of supreme importance which we must master in order to live life to to the fullest. These two words must be recognized, respected and reinforced to work for us. They are "courage" and "change". 

First: Courage to face ourselves, our associates, our issues and our ideals. Without courage we would be as water following "the path of least resistance" not utilizing our minds to serve our fellow persons. An empty existence indeed! We were created for a purpose. Courage is what enables us to fulfil that purpose.

Second: Change is a fact of life, the only constant in nature. We either allow change to help us or hurt us. Our attitude of mind makes the difference. To survive we must have the courage to change. We will either be destroyed by change or use it to our advantage.

Let's always remember to have the courage to change. In other words let's face facts: Do our work each day and constantly make necessary changes for the desired outcome. Only this strategy will lead to success in life. 

Excellence in Art

Mar. 8, 2017

Sorry to make others uncomfortable but striving for excellence puts some people in a unique class. Symbolic of this involves spirituality and seeing the Creator's magnificent works. Art is an effort to express ourselves while serving others. Want to see some excellent artwork in which the limits are challenged. Engine search "Judson Portzer" and look at modern-day versions of the old method of stained glass. This guy can even do portraits in stained glass--the old style, time consuming and "permanent" way. He's gaining popularity while excelling in "pushing the limits" toward excellence in service.



Feb. 28, 2017

Trump Phenomenon and Deeper Message

Regardless of our attitude toward Trump one thing is certain. He knows how to win. He sacrificed much to place his time, talent and efforts to cause America to win again. Problem is many seem to think America is not in trouble. Freedom is always under attack! I see Trump as a godsend just as God saw Saul of Tarsus as a godsend. No one better qualified for the job! What we may have missed is the suggestion of the parallel between the government as an institution and the church as an institution. Institutions are always trying to overpower the people. When President Lincoln made his famous statement: "A government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not vanish..." he was emphasizing people over government. A study was made years ago which suggested this. By tracing back to someone who heard Lincoln make the speech the result was that he put his emphasis on the word "people". When quoting this statement remember the word PEOPLE. On re-quoting say it out loud: "A government of the PEOPLE! By the PEOPLE! and For the PEOPLE!... The PEOPLE won the election...Lincoln style. This is symbolic of what should happen spiritually! PEOPLE over religious or spiritual institutions...the way God intended. PEOPLE are God's crowning creation intended to be on communicating terms thanks to Jesus!

Tens of millions of PEOPLE might accept Jesus if they realized their "being above" religious institutions, churches etc. Institutions are of men! God gives freedom and power to PEOPLE who accept it. Rise above the institutional identity and take your birthright in His royal priesthood of believers.

FREE offer: I'm concluding a document showing the victory the PEOPLE have in the new administration and how it should be translated into God's intention for PEOPLE unified by grace. With the indwelling of His Holy Spirit you will learn that institutions are like crutches. Get real, get a free email attachment copy, accept your victory and overcome the world! Contact me at for your request.

Remember what Thomas Jefferson wisely said: "When people fear the government there's tyranny. When the government fears the people there's liberty". Apply the parallel principle: When people fear the "Church" (institution) there's tyranny. When the institution fears the PEOPLE, there's liberty". You as a person have direct access to God! Power to the PEOPLE!

Feb. 27, 2017

Ultimate Home?

How would you like to live in a house that is almost indestructible? One beautiful day in the mid seventies the idea caught my attention, changed my thinking and spurred me to action. I'll be sharing the ideas soon. As always I love your feedback. You'll be amazed! As the late Chief Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes stated, "A mind stretched by a new idea can never return to its original dimensions".

Ever had a home with irreplaceable items destroyed? Do you know anyone who has? My library could never be replaced. One beautiful day in the mid 1970's the idea of a subterranean or underground house was introduced to me. I never forgot but went to work to investigate the idea. I never looked back. Claustrophobic? If you are there's a way to work around that or at least compromise for the benefits. Many sources of light, window exposure and the possibilities are endless. Leave home for a vacation and not worry about home security of theft. I built one in the early 1980's and my late wife, Brenda and I designed and had blueprints drawn up.

One advantage humans have over all other creatures is that we can anticipate dangers far ahead and plan a strategy. We know there are natural disasters we cannot control. The subterranean structure is practically impervious especially if you're not in an earthquake prone area. If you like the idea I'll gladly communicate ideas free of charge. It's one thing I do!


Healing for the Spiritually Wounded

It's a real concern. Just as Donald Trump rose to victory, many seem to want to crucify him still. It is reminiscent of how God's choice must withstand heat from the wicked. Blaise Paschal stated in effect, "Men never do evil so completely and so cheerfully as with religious conviction." Just remember that great and benevolent people are always seeking truth on every important subject. It seems to be the norm for those on the right side of issues to be the most opposed by the madding crowd. Early on, I tweeted that real leaders make positive changes. We've observed such in Trump. I've often stated that I'm for the underdog. That gets to the simple and begs consideration for the spiritually wounded. Now we have a President who's concerned about persecuted Christians. We should all be concerned about those with higher ideals than this imperfect world with all its troubles. There's something better for people who align themselves with the Creator. Let's move forward in healing those who are wounded and then see that there is hope for America and its great people who are concerned about the never-ending vision of a better life. Personally, I've experienced spiritual wounds but take attacks and abandonment in stride, knowing those who suffer for righteousness will be persecuted. Such has always been the case on this earth and always will be. But there's hope! We can make a difference and ultimately live in victory. 

Hope for the spiritually wounded can be found in The Church Shark by Stanley Paher. Best source available as a reference book on how to survive in the world of "religious sharks." Paher does in the spiritual realm much of what Harvey McKay did in his, How to Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive in the business world. Paher clarifies that his book was written for the "dolphins," not the "sharks." See the parallel between the corrupt government institution and the established religious institution. Power to the PEOPLE! I'll gladly send you a copy at a real bargain $15.00 postage paid if you order in 14 days. Order from Ron Portzer/ 900 Hwy 78 E ste 101/ Jasper, AL 35501. If you do not need this reference book now, you may in the future when dealing with the religious establishment. Great investment!

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Kind regards

Ron Portzer


25.09.2020 01:24

MaryJean (Portzer) Kwitowski

Very peaceful! So important in this stressful time. Thank You. E mail me!

31.01.2020 23:36

Petrino Ippolito

I spoke with Ron today on the phone, helping him out with some things. I was both impressed and inspired by the warmth of this man. He truly understands our need to provide, and I'm glad we spoke.

26.08.2019 23:55

Pat Owen

When I enter my kitchen I remember leaving out through there so early in AM on a Thanksgiving trip we were taking, so vibrant and intelligent was Tara.

28.10.2018 04:22

Pat Owen

Liked the article about rock and Wade Sand and Gravel. There is another company that stakes their reputation on good quality work, Tate Excavating in Dora, Alabama.

02.08.2018 02:38

Pat Owen

Stellar Attitude, a very enjoyable article with depth and showing more appropriate ways of handling things.

19.09.2017 05:00

C. P. Owen

Prevention Better Than Cure: How would we best know the proper way to utilize prevention? Do research. Prevent deterioration,.Check out Dr Oz's book on health care.

26.08.2017 02:54

Pat Owen

Ultimate Experience of love involves all ages and conditions. We do not have extended families like the Waltons on TV to assist. It may all fall on one person.

22.08.2017 17:01

Pat Owen

Ultimate Love Experience. Most caregivers are relatives. They still have their own life to manage. Slowly Churches and Senior Centers are offering caregivers day off like Mom's Day off.

22.08.2017 13:46

Ron Portzer

Pat, you are correct. Always prepare for keeping oneself in good condition for optimal care for another. Take care of self first in view of helping others.

22.08.2017 04:38

Pat Owen

Ultimate Experience of Love written August 20th, so many readers can relate to this. Caregivers can get exhausted mentally and physically by never having time for themselves.

28.05.2017 14:31

Ron Portzer

Encouraging comment! You, as a writer mean much to me and a constant source of ideas.

28.05.2017 06:24

Art Thompsin

Thank you, Ron.
You really grew to resemble your dad!

28.05.2017 14:08

Ron Portzer

Thank you Art, You and Alice Ann have been and inspiration for me. It's people like you that helped me become what I am today. Indeed great people need great people. Ron

11.05.2017 13:26

Pat Owen

Excellent structure of website. The articles regarding the most moving situations in the lives of individuals lets all readers know that we are not alone in this world.

25.04.2017 02:40

Ron Portzer

simplelifetruths feedback test