You might like a new Facebook Group I just created and be a valuable part. Here's a background story of how this came about. See if you can relate
to it.
While taking care of my dad I'd take time to read amongst other activities while engaging and experiencing his last days...precious memories!
I'd had in my posession a book by Kokichi Kurosaki entitled, Let's Return to Christian Unity. Kurosaki, like many believers was troubled by religious division. He indicated that the Japanese Christians were confused when many American church groups
came over and tried to convert them. They understood that they were already in Jesus the Christ...but why were churches trying to "convert them"? Make sense to you?
Reflecting on the so-called "Christian Community" my focus began to center on the idea that God actually created unity at the point of birthing people one by one into His family. That "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace"
was the design of the Creator provided for us. All we were ever admonished to do is "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace". My own heritage in reality sought unity by conformity. God's plan was much simpler than that! Too simple for them to accept.
Engagement in the greatest purpose upon acceptance of the greatest news the world has ever known led me to focus on helping my heritage simply recognize
that unity and then promote, keep or maintain it. What higher purpose can a disciple of Jesus the Christ have? Well, that sums up my new Facebook group, "United Peacemakers". What greater contriubution could one make in order to leave a better world for our