Health Conscious
Economist and best selling self-help author, Paul Zane Pilzer watched his audience file in one day and considered changing his focus. Having already been pre-paid for his speech he was obligated to honor his commitment. He thought, "These people have a more significant issue than economy...the more pressing concern is health".
Shortly after
the close of the 20th Century, it was my privilege to hear Paul make a couple of speeches in which he addressed the apparent needs of so many people who came to hear him speak.
The Next Trillion addressed Paul's prediction that the health and wellness industry was going to become revolutionary and that millionaires would be made in that industry. So what was so evident that Pilzer made such a turn-around in his focus? You guessed it! Overweight! The future is in helping people to solve the number one issue facing Americans.
Charlie Shedd is reported to have said, "The fat is in your head." Even though he was right it is a tremendous challenge to make practical use of the fact and adjust our thinking to solve the problem of obesity.
Individuals can change habits in a matter of days, usually from 21 to 30. It can be time consuming and expensive. My next post will address an efficient, convenient and pleasurable way to solve this problem. In the meantime keep in mind that no wealth can match the value of health! I'll share with you not only a solution but also how you can profit from the trillion dollar trend.