Feb. 21, 2019

Patsy's Inspiring Story

Scrolling back through my posts on this page by clicking the bottom right (Older) you can see a review of progression by a well-known Presley Event promoter and expert on the "king of rock-and-roll". Patsy had suffered a massive heart attack in January of last year. On February 18 this year she informed her fans that her younger son had died. 

Being a great rebounder, she is both an inspiration and example of a law-abiding citizen facing challenging obstacles and needs the prayers of her many friends. As perceptive people know all face challenges and many ask why. Some are good at masking personal challenges in an effort to stay on top of efforts to bring joy to others. 

Some of us have known special people whom we admire because they inspire. While experiencing such tragedies as the death of a loved one the most admirable are those who face the fact and continue even to encourage when expected to be more of a recipient than a fountain of encouragement. With Patsy's friends and family, you can expect positive energy on an untimely occasion. Don't forget that the best way to honor the dead is to serve the living.

Having lost my daughter, Tara, about 7 weeks ago I can surely empathize with Patsy. Patsy and Tara were friends. One ongoing issue with the unexpected death of a loved one is the financial cost and social pressure involved to break the bank. May all involved be merciful. I have a plan to find solutions to the high cost of funerals for posting on this website in the near future. 

No words can erase the pain of loss but we can all continue to encourage and make life a bit more tolerable. 

Feb. 17, 2019

Hot Topic

Subjects with negative connotations may not get prime ratings especially with those set on keeping positive. Here is a story which may contradict what you thought you knew. Even more than "getting it right" about the destiny of the wicked is the principle of learning from every situation in which we find ourselves. Not often do we find ourselves watching a movie or listening to a speech about hell on a Saturday night as a way to prepare for a Sunday morning gathering where hell used to be so popular with career pulpit ministers eager to build "church membership".

I attended Athens Bible School for three years while about two or three grades behind the controversial main character in the movie, "Hell and Mr. Fudge". The movie was made about Edward Fudge, son of one of the founders of the private school, Bennie Lee Fudge. During my third year of college, I took sales training with Bennie Lee in his book store. Once graduating in 1969 my first profession as a school teacher near Athens where I had the opportunity to hear Edward make talks for the first time on faith from the book of Hebrews and a series on the four accounts of the gospel. Never had I heard a young man with such knowledge deliver lessons so simply and with ease. Quite impressive!

Edward was approached sometime later by a curious student who had become perplexed about the nature of God...Would a loving God allow or consign some of His created people to consciously suffer excruciating pain in a burning fire without end...trillions of trillions of years? After about a day spent with skeptical Edward the inquisitive stranger finally made a breakthrough. He hired Edward, as a brilliant student of the original biblical languages to go to the original text in as much as possible to see what God said about the subject of the future of the wicked. Edward began to discover truths he had never realized and resolved to write a book on the subject. 

The Fire That Consumes (1982) was the result.  I promote "Hell and Mr. Fudge" not so much to convince others to change their minds on their views but for encouraging open-mindedness in accepting the truth even if it contradicts our hardened and cherished preconceptions. I keep a few copies to distribute and one to share with others willing to sit for about an hour-and-a-half of enjoyable and enlighting association with them and enjoy filling in some of the details they may not pick up on. This is one of the best opportunities to determine whether or not one is really open to truth or bound to the familiar.

The Fire That Consumes, which became available in 1982 was written on a scholarly level and impressed numerous theologians who also had never really delved into the subject so intently, fervently and deeply. Some held to the traditional beliefs while others accepted Edward's newly-discovered findings. Later another edition was published for the average reader. Scholars had also simply accepted the "common orthodox beliefs" of ingrained tradition almost without serious question until Edward's discovery rocked their world. 

Edward had turned the religious world on its head with his discovery and renewed the debate on the nature of a loving God and how His justice will eventually be served. The movie is entertaining and fast-moving as well as informative and well worth the time spent watching it. Edward's part is played by MacKenzie Astin, son of John and Patty Duke Astin.

Feb. 11, 2019

Wisdom of Children

Ritual for succeeding in life brought me to this AM selection of archives from a friend in Texas. My Maxous account for maximizing and monetizing what most of us are doing anyway, utilizing Social Media for advertising, saving, and earning money and just keeping in touch with others led me to do a quick post about children. Well, the experience led to a most timely and relevant reminder of how much more wise and simple children appear to indicate on "complicated" adult issues. 

Politics is not my forte (pronounced "fort" not the "forta" pronunciation as only correctly applied to music). We all know there's much corruption, greed, and warfare within the political community.

Take a look at the statement "old Hoop" recently shared with me in an email. Consider that the Master Teacher referred to this kind of simple wisdom (Matthew 21:16) as He quoted David (Psalms 8:2). Oh! How I wish childish adults in Washington who hate, resist, and ignore simple wisdom would emulate innocent children of light! I recently read that $75 billion dollars are being spent annually on security in America. Only about 15% of homes are secured by electronic alarm technology. The tiny amount of $5.7 is such a low cost to secure our National borders when you consider the lives lost and money spent on illegals by a generous US population. How much better our performance if we didn't have to be looking over our shoulders and could concentrate on our work?

The gun issue parallels the security issue as was constitutionally addressed. Both are so simple as are all basic truths. Robert Fulghum's, famous book, All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, should be required reading in public schools. We could stop the gridlock over border security for vetting strangers in a fashion beneficial to all. Hate for wisdom and a President who's fighting to bring America back to the Founding Fathers' ideal for a prosperous, free and Godly Nation should arouse all good people to listen to our children. Additionally, are you aware of what the children can teach us baby boomers with internet technology? 

Let's make good sense more common for a change!


Feb. 6, 2019

Mother: Love Celebrated

Jim Conrad, personal financial adviser, author, and my friend just experienced the loss of his mother on February 3rd. I only learned of this just past midnight this morning.  Having lost my own mother in 2011, my bride in 2008, my father in 2015, and a daughter about a month ago I, in empathy offer my condolences to Jim. 

You who read my blogs will find a treasure in this tribute and are free to pass on words of comfort even for other such times as this. I can promise my readers a special blessing...Are you with me? Read on!

My bride, Brenda upon succumbing to pancreatic cancer (see the "Coming Soon!" page on this website for photo and story) ushered me into a panic-driven state of research for how to best deal with the tragedy of loss. May the following stay with you forever:

Dr. M. Scott Peck, psychiatrist, author of fine books such as The Road Less Travelled revealed a shocking insight. He stated, "Death has always fascinated me." Memorable, strange (coming from a "shrink") and fitting. A real attention-getter for me and handy for this short story!

William F. Buckley Jr, author, columnist, and conservative television talk show host upon being interviewed shortly before his death by Charlie Rose was asked if he'd like to relive his younger and popular successful years to which he replied, "Oh no, If you gave me a pill that would put me there, I'd not take it!". Stunned Charlie replied, "Why not?" Bill replied, "I'm tired of life".

Dr. Arnold Hutchsnecker in his book, Man's Will to Live devoted one chapter to a startling observation, "Man Dies When He Wants to Die"...that meaning, of course, the natural course of fate, (barring accidental or premature death) at the "appointed time". His value judgment and vast experience with dying patients gave him insight that when a person can no longer serve he or she has no reason to stay on the planet. The departing, being a subject of the natural course in life, is ready to make the final exit even though he, she or loved ones do not know how to say, "good-bye". Survivors would more easily release the beloved if only the facts were known.

We dread the moment while wisely coping with reality. Prepared people know that even such loss is temporary from the Creator's view and scheme of immortality. You see, Jesus actually removed the fear of death having overcome Satan's grip with the promise of ultimate never-ending bliss in view of the great uniting. Preparation is key to Victory.

A mother's love defies all dictionary definitions of love. Mothers instinctively seem to know that the best way to honor the dead is to serve the living.

Jim, while we all in sympathy relate in some way, extend our condolences. Had I not have met you because of your financial expertise in the best financial connections and services (www.findoutmorenow.com 4 digit code: JC35) I would not have been able to serve you with this most comforting display of encouraging thoughts to you, yours, and all who are with you at this moment. 

(Editor's note: Everyone not aware of Jim's professionalism and offerings which is sure to enhance any financial aspirants' concerns are urged to go to the above website. It will make your day. Be prepared to enter an unforgettable, positive experience and a rare treasure-find unlike anything you've ever experienced with "no strings attached".)


Jan. 29, 2019

Robocalls No More

Mobile phones have given families, friends, and businesses great opportunities to make life better than imagined many decades ago. There are tradeoffs with advancements in technology. One rising problem we are faced with today is Robocalling. This may be good for business and scammers but bad for the public. 

Older and hopefully wiser is the natural order for us. How do you deal with those frequent calls with no identity? More and more we become victims of unwanted callers. Fortunately, there is hope. The "Coming Soon!" page on this website lists www.clark.com as a helpful website by a money expert. Please get on this website if you want to "save more, spend less and not get ripped off" 

Recently, Clark Howard had some useful information for those of us who have been receiving the barrage of pesky calls. By all means get on Clark's email list. I used to hear him on the radio and found him always interesting and helpful in protecting assets and always offering a positive outlook on many financial issues. One of the latest posts on your solution to the harassment of unwanted calls offers hope.